In professional wrestling, they often say that all roads lead to Wrestlemania. In our case, all roads of Mania Madness lead to the Final Four. We have four deserving champions, each victorious in their...
In professional wrestling, they often say that all roads lead to Wrestlemania. In our case, all roads of Mania Madness lead to the Final Four. We have four deserving champions, each victorious in their individual regions over the past month. But in the end, only one can win the...
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages…The 3 Point Conversion and it’s staff proudly present to you…Ab Stanley, Eric Urbanowicz, Courtlandt Griffin and Danny Thompson…The Mania Madness creators! We’re down to the Elite 8. We bring you not one, not two, not three but FOUR absolute...
The McMahon region rounds out the Sweet 16. On the line is a chance to advance to the Elite 8, and ultimately represent the region in the Final Four. Each competitor has their eyes on the prize. But do they have the right attitude? #1. Stone Cold Steve...
Round one of the Mcmahon region featured all sorts of hijinks, ranging from a NWO rock paper scissors match to a rapidly defeated Iron Sheik. What will round two hold? Let’s find out. #1. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. # 8. A.J Styles Styles entered the ring with...
Welcome to Mania Madness! We’re taking the concepts of March Madness and Wrestlemania (the two best things about March, apologies to the Irish), and mashing them together. What we have here is the ultimate Pro-Wrestling fantasy matchup. Our writers have argued, debated and voted over the 64 best to...
I was a huge wrestling fan growing up. Monday nights were highly anticipated in my younger years as I couldn’t wait for Raw is War so I could smell what “The Rock” was cooking, yell “Hell Yeah” when Stone Cold Steve Austin asked the fans to give him a...