Unpopular Opinions are back! If you think you have heard some thoughts that make you scratch your head before, you haven’t heard anything yet. “The Michael Vick we knew was overrated.” – Eric...
Unpopular Opinions are back! If you think you have heard some thoughts that make you scratch your head before, you haven’t heard anything yet. “The Michael Vick we knew was overrated.” – Eric Urbanowicz Put aside the dog fighting controversy, put aside the history he made as the...
The question of “What If” has always been part of the world of sports. “What If” a player made a free throw to win a game or “What If” player X played in this era of this sport: would he dominate? Those questions have always been asked but in...
[author image=”https://www.the3pointconversion.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/pic-copy.jpg” ]Raphael Haynes, Atlanta, GA @mrcontroversy21[/author] Wildcard weekend is usually unpredictable with surprise endings, unsung heroes and unbelievable action. We can say the same for this year except the only difference is the turnouts and theatrics are what we are accustom to seeing from all eight teams....
[author image=”https://www.the3pointconversion.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/PicsArt_1437506260531.jpg” ] Abade Stanley @strakt_Marino [/author] Matt Ryan and Ryan Tannehill, you’re the next contestants on “How do you still have you’re job!!!!” To qualify, you have to show a knack for big turnovers in key situations. Another requirement, put up big numbers game after game...
[author image=”https://www.the3pointconversion.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/PicsArt_1437506260531.jpg” ] Abade Stanley @strakt_Marino [/author] Can this quarterback beat our team from the pocket? That used to be the question when dealing with mobile quarterbacks. “Can we contain this guy and force him to make plays from inside the pocket?” The answer to that question used...