Russell Wilson Deserves Every Penny He Wants

  • By admin
  • July 2, 2015
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[author image=”” ]Raphael Haynes, Atlanta, GA[/author]


Quarterbacks in the NFL are judged and critiqued the hardest and most unfairly. Although high QB ratings and stats are demanded, it’s also a must that they have at least one Super Bowl ring. The million dollar question is what is more important leadership, stats, or rings.


Over the years, we’ve seen great QBs like Dan Marino who left us in amazement with his jaw dropping passes or ridiculous stats but no rings. We’ve also seen Joe Montana who stats aren’t that appealing but his knack for being clutch and having four Super Bowl rings put him arguably #1 all-time. Russell Wilson is a another unique QB who can’t be judged solely on stats alone. His impact on the NFL and his team is second to none, but in a league that QBs are predicated on stats, his accomplishments and skills gets diminished.


Wilson stats might not smack you in the face but he is in the record books for a few surpising great records. For instances, he is tied with Peyton Manning for most touchdowns as a rookie (26). Maybe his most impressive record is he’s the only QB in the SB era that has gone over the 100 + passer rating in his first two years, 100.0 in his rookie season and 101.2 in his second year of leading the Seattle Seahawks. You seldom hear these spectacular accomplishments when Wilson’s name comes up.


What comes up often is he’s a game manager, has Marshawn Lynch and the best defense in the league. The latter two might be true but does that really define who you are as a quarterback? Montana might be ranked #1 but he had great defenses, the greatest wide receiver (arguably the greatest football player) and a great head coach in Bill Walsh. Manning has had the best wide receiving core in nearly every season he’s played including very good tight ends (Dallas Clark and Julius Thomas).


Beast Mode is unstoppable and makes that offense effective but is it just because of Lynch? When they run the read option, the defensive end has to play honest and stay home to honor Wilson’s elusive running skills which creates an opening for Lynch. Let’s not forget the lack talent he’s had at the wide receiver position. Yet still when Seattle needs a big play, they turn to No. 3. He showed how clutch he is during the 2015 playoffs.


Having a horrific game throwing 4 interceptions in the 2015 NFC Championship Game, he showed why he is one of if not the top clutch QBs in the game. He drove them down the field and led them to two TDs including an overtime touchdown pass to go to the Super Bowl. Most believe that Aaron Rodgers is the best quarterback in the league but Aaron has only been to one SB because of Wilson defeating him in the 2015 NFC Championship Game.


So again, stats might rule the fast pace style of the NFL today but the ultimate goal is getting that ring. Yes he has one ring but the dumbest call in SB history prevented him from getting his second. Wilson has proved that he’s the ultimate leader, one of the best dual threats and most importantly, a team player. If he’s giving you all of that and now has Jimmy Graham as a weapon, then its almost scary to think what he can accomplish for that team. If that doesn’t require you to be the top paid QB in the league, please tell me otherwise.





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